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Friday, October 31, 2008

Little Bug Preschool Trunk or Treat

Bailee's school did a trunk or treat on Wednesday and the kids had a blast! Before the trunk or treat they did a parade around the cul-de-sac and had Miss Amber's special witch's brew. After the trunk or treat they enjoyed chocolate cake. Bailee was so happy that her friends Claire and Caleb were there. What cuties!!! This has been a fun filled week so far and we are way excited for tonight!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Nikki!!!

I was lucky enough to go and have lunch today with my great friend, Nikki Sharp, for her birthday. This girl is so sweet and kind and she means the world to me. I don't know where I would be without her friendship. She has been my rock and stood by me through thick and thin. I am so blessed to have someone as special as her in my life. She is awesome and I just want to tell her thank you so much for all that she has done for me. Thanks Nikki for so many fun years and many more to come! Happy Birthday Girl!!!!!! Hope you have a fabulous day!!!

Hula Dancing

On Mondays, from 4:00-6:30, Bailee has been doing a Hula Class at the church taught by one of my mom's co-workers at the Temple. She has loved it and is becoming quite good at shaking those little hips of hers. She impresses me every week with what she learns. I was a little bit worried because she is so shy, but the older girls have taken her under their wing and made her feel right at home. They are adorable to watch! They do 3-4 dances together and sing one song where each girl has her own part to sing solo. Other than Bailee being very timid and quiet she has her part down perfect. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching her show off all of her new moves for us. They have their first performance on November 8th. We are so excited!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Church Trunk or Treat

Bailee and Brecken in their cute costumes

Our Family

Bailee and Brecken sitting in the back of the van after they were all through and worn out

My good friend Rhanda Todd and I

Brecken and his friend Wyatt Todd

Bailee and her friend Xavier Todd

Bailee playing the sock toss game

Brecken at the fishing pond

Bailee going fishing

Bailee and Brecken making ghost suckers out of kleenex and dum-dum suckers

Our ward did a dinner, games and a trunk or treat on Saturday night. It was, as usual, a ton of fun. The soup was delicious and the games were a blast for the kids. This just reminds me why Halloween is one of my all-time favorite holidays!!

Preschool Fieldtrip to Farm

The kids got the chance to go and visit Staheli Farm and Pumpkin Patch for a second time because Bailee's preschool class went on a fieldtrip there. Jason took the kids and they had a really great time. He got some fun and different pictures than we got when Brecken's playgroup went so I tried to pick out ones that weren't the same. Can you tell they how excited they were to be there again?!?! I honestly don't think that they could ever get sick of this place. There are to many neat things to do!