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Monday, December 22, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

Winter Pics at Kiddie Kandids

On Thursday, we went to Kiddie Kandids because we had a free coupon for an 8x11 for Bailee's birthday. We had only planned on getting one picture of her taken but they had such cute backgrounds for winter and Brecken was very eager to get his picture taken as well, which is very unusual. So we decided to take a couple of both the kids and then, of course, we couldn't help but buy some of each. How can you resist when they are so adorable! My only regret was not having Brecken in a sweater so he was in something more appropriate for the snow backdrop. Most people don't go sledding in a button down church shirt.:)Oh well! They were still fun!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day

We couldn't believe our eyes when we woke up on Thursday. There was snow everywhere! The kids were so excited!! We went out and spend a couple of hours enjoying it: building snowmen, making snow angels and having a snowball fight. We love the white stuff!! It makes it actually seem and feel as if it is wintertime and like Christmas is just around the corner. Hopefully we will have more to play in before the season is over.

The Forgotten Carols

On Wednesday night, me, my mom, my sisters and my friend Nikki all went to see Michael McLean's The Forgotten Carols. It is a tradition for our family to go every year and every year it is awesome! We always pack lots of tissue because we are all big cry babies and the tears flow uncontrollably. It is such a neat show and truly reflects on what this time of year is all about. We went and ate at Wingers' before the show and I think the employees' there thought they had a bunch of loonies visiting their restuaraunt. When you get us all together it can become quite loud and crazy. I am so grateful to have the most fabulous family in the world and the best friends a girl could ask for. Thanks guys for a great time!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Let It Snow!

On Monday it actually snowed in St. George! I could hardly believe it!! The kids loved playing in what little bit there was. It was so cute because their little cheeks were red and they looked so cold yet they did not want to come in to get warm. I tried to bundle them up but then they couldn't move around very easily so they didn't like that at all and it eventually came off. I LOVE the snow and wish it would come more often. But what can I say, I am definitely grateful for what we get because we need it very bad.

Ugly Ornament Party

On Thursday, we had an ugly ornament party at Monica Johanson's house. It was a blast! It was amazing some of the ornaments that people found and made. I thought mine was pretty tacky until I saw the rest of them. My cheeks hurt so bad that night because I was smiling so much at all of the 'beautiful' ornaments. The diva this year was Shelly Vaughn. She brought a Barbie leg with fish net stockings drawn on it and a garter made out of rick rack. It was a very creative idea! Nice job Shelly!! I have to admit though that I am very glad it wasn't me because this year's diva award was HIDEOUS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Basement Construction

We have finally decided to finish our basement after living in our house for 4 years. We are so excited to be getting it done and to have the extra bedroom and bathroom. The basement has served as our storage room for the last 4 years so right now everything that was down there is out in our garage until I can go through it and get rid of a lot of junk. I have been using the basement also as my scapbook room so it will be nice to not feel like I am in a dungeon and actually have carpeting, painted walls and heating/air-conditioning down there. I will keep you posted on the progress. Our neighbor Craig and his friend Jason have done all the framing so next is the electrical and plumbing. YEAH!!!!!