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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

PJ's from Grandma Kathie

Jason's mom sent us and the kids' pajamas for Christmas so we let the kids' open them on Christmas Eve so that they could wear them to bed. Oh boy, were they ever excited! The kids' love their pj's and are always asking when it is going to get dark so that they know how long they have to wait before they can get changed into them.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Bailey's house and had dinner and spent the evening with family and friends. We were able to have the Todd family and Grandma Little join us so that made for a really enjoyable evening. We have a tradition were we open one present on the night on Christmas eve. They are usually pajamas but we forgot ours at home so we opened our family gifts instead. We also started drawing names because our family was expanding so much and it was getting kind of expensive to buy for everyone. This year we drew my sister Andrea and we got her a gift card to Wal-Mart (I know. Kind of impersonable but it was something that she really wanted and needed). My sister Erin and her husband Johnny drew our name and they got us a gift card to Home Depot which was great because it will help with the expenses with finishing our basement. They got Bailee some reading books and a magnetic book to practice her spelling. They got Brecken 2 trucks that make noise and 2 tractors with cool squishy wheels. They both loved their gifts!

Taste Testing

While I was baking our holiday treats, Brecken decided that he was going to be a big help and sneak some tastes of miscellaneous ingredients. First of all, I left to go upstairs and fold a batch of laundry while the pretzels were in the oven. I came back downstairs 10 minutes later and he had the refridgerator open, had gotten a straw out of the utensil drawer and was drinking the whipping cream. YUCK! I asked him what he was doing and all he said was 'Me thirsty'. Well, I tried to explain that whipping cream is not something that we drink but I guess when this kid is thirsty he will drink anyting regardless. I couldn't help but laugh but at the same time think HOW GROSS it must have tasted. Do little kids taste buds not work as well as ours do or do they just not know any different? From the expression on his face he looked like he was loving it. He must have thought it tasted great because he downed quite a bit of it. EEWWW!!!
Second, while I was busy talking on the telephone he decided that he was going to get his chair and climb up on the counter to steal some pretzels to sample. I hope they were good because they were his last. What a mess he can make! He also enjoyed getting into the bag of M&M's that was quickly emptied with his two little hands. What a little stinker!!! But I have to admit it is so cute to see the curiosity in his eyes at what he just discovered before he knows he has been caught and then to see him hurry and hide under the table or bury his head in the corner when he knows he has been found and is in BIG trouble. Silly boy!! :)
Oh and if you notice our gingerbread house in the background, it is missing the Peep christmas tree and snowman because he decided that they would be better in his belly than on the house. Gotta love em'!

What a Mess!

Our basement is coming right along! We had the drywall put up and it made a huge difference. WOW! I am so excited to be all done because then I won't have to mop, vacumn and dust everyday because of the thick layer of dirt that is stirred up in the air from all of the drilling, sawing, cutting, sanding, etc.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

WOW! It is so great to able to be back in the blogging world again. I have been having withdrawls for the last month but I believe we are now back in business. Yah! Okay, so our laptop computer died and we didn't have a comuter for like three weeks. Then we went to Costco and bought a new desktop but it would not let me get on anything that ended in without kicking me off of the internet and restarting the computer. Well, I think after many trial and error experiments unplugging and rebooting and whatever else we did, we finally have the problem fixed. So to say the least I am waaaayyyyy behind in my posts. I have decided that even though a lot of our activities are way past and old by now I am still going to post them so that when I do my yearly blog book I will not leave anything out. I apologize ahead of time for the late posts but give me a week or two and I should be caught up. I plan to post 2-3 a day until I can get current.