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Monday, June 30, 2008

Funny Things That Bailee Says

Since this is kind of serves as my online journal, I thought I would share a couple of funny things that Bailee has said so that I will have them logged somewhere to remember as she grows up. Maybe it's just a mom thing where I think that so many things that come out of her mouth are hilarious but I also thought others might find them humorous.

1. When we first brought Bella home 2 months ago she was an indoor dog so she was running around Bailee's room while Bailee was getting her pajama's on. After she had finished getting dressed Bailee turned and looked at me with a very concerned look on her face and ask me "Mom, where are Bella's pajamas? She needs to get hers on so we can go night night." I told her that dogs don't wear clothing like people do and then she asked, "Do puppies sleep naked?" Yes, they do indeed. What better way to put it. I couldn't help but start laughing. She always asks why I am laughing and all I can say is "Because you are so cute, Babe." Thanks to Brooke and the girls, Bella now has a pricess outfit that she wears everywhere. So for now our Bella does not sleep naked.:-)

2. Bailee is always asking me questions about being a mom or growing up. There is at least one statement a day. For example:
"Mom, when I grow up will your room be my room?"
"Mom, when I am a mom do I get to drive a van?"
"Mom, I want to be a mom just like you." (This made my day.)
"Mom, when I am a mom do I get to stay up late?"
"Mom, when I grow up can I sleep in a tall bed like yours."
"Mom, can I make cereal when I am a mom."
There are several others that I forget and can't think of to save my life but they are all equally adorable when she says them. It makes my heart melt. Anyways, on Friday she comes up to me while I was checking my e-mail and says, "Mom, I want to grow up next week." All I could do was smile and tell her, "Oh sister, if only you knew what it was like to grow up and you would stay small forever. You are already growing up too fast for Mom and Dad." Granted she will make an excellent mother one day, I am in no hurry for her to grow up. Where does time go?

3. We were getting in the car to go and run some errands and she couldn't get her car seat buckled. To her if anything doesn't work it needs new batteries. So she sighs and says, "Mom, this won't work. It think it needs new batteries."

4. One day several months ago we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and Bailee kept looking at my arms. I wondered what she found so intrigueing about my arms. Finally, she looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Mom, you have a lot of spots." I then had to teach her that those spots are called freckles and, yes, I am covered in spots.

Those are just a few and I am sure that I will remember more as soon as I post this. But as she grows I am sure that there will be many more from her and Brecken so stay tuned. Hope you found them as funny as I did although actually being in the situation and hearing them straight from the child's mouth is so much cuter than just reading about it.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Roasting Marshmallows

He is definetly his daddy's boy. He gets a kick out of making funny faces for the camera.

Bailee and I after I finally convinced her to come away from the fire for one picture.

Grandpa and Grandma Bailey sitting back, relaxing and just enjoying the beautiful warm evening after just getting back in town from a rafting and 4-wheeling trip to Moab. So they had every reason to be absolutely exhausted and burned out. Glad you guys had a fun trip!!!

Bailee and her cousin, Gabby, are best of friends. It is great they are so close in age that they get to grow up together being each other's buddy. We love you Gab!!!

The 3 Amigos: my sis, Marci, Me, and my other sis, Brooke. I am so lucky to have such wonderful sisters and best friends. I love you guys so much!! Thanks for all of the good times!

My professional marshmallow roasters! Smores anyone???

Brecken and his cousin, Lydia. They are also pals. When we get all 4 kids together there is always bound to be a fabulous time! Brooke, when is our next play date?

Poor Pat got mauled and tortured by all of the kids but he was such a good sport and played along. He is always so willing to give them horsey rides, piggy back rides, airplane rides or anything else they may ask for. I'm sure he passes out from exhaustion when he gets home. But, thanks Pat for enduring all of the craziness. The kids adore Marci and Pat! They are going to make awesome parents one day.

Brooke and her cute boyfriend, Matt. Aren't they so cute together?

Marci and her husband, Patrick. We are so lucky to have such terrific guys married into our family. Pat and Marci are so happy together and also a very cute couple!

Sand Hollow

On Saturday, we decided to go and cool off in the water at Sand Hollow Resevoir. We had so much fun! It was a very hot day but being in the cold water made it tolerable. Brecken kept stepping on rocks and losing his balance from the waves coming into shore. He was not happy the first few times he tried to walk into the water but eventually he got the hang of it and was able to stay standing. We were so proud of Bailee because she put on her arm floaties and went out to were she couldn't reach with me and swam back to Jason on the beach. Granted I had to kind of force her to the first time, she eventually decided that she was not going to drown and that it was okay. Normally, she freaks out if her feet are not touching the bottom. My big goal is to have both my kids unafraid of the water by the end of the summer. It seems like every summer I have to retrain them to like the water but hopefully with Bailee taking swim lessons that will change. Jason was the smart one as you can see and kept his hat and shirt on while he was not in the water. I was once again the one that thought it was a perfect opportunity to tan and only fried myself. You think I would learned after burning myself twice in a week?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bailee's Summer Haircut

On Monday, Bailee decided that she wanted to get her hair cut. Her best friend Kaylee cut her hair into a bob last week so that only encouraged her more and she has always made the comment that she wants short hair like her Grandmas. We are letting her bangs grow out and with all of the thickness coming in we knew that at one point we would have to cut it so that it could all grow out together being one length. So with summer here we thought what better time than now to cut it. It will be so much cooler and it is so much easier to do. And NO MORE TANGLES! HOORAY!!

Oh, and she wanted me to include a picture of her with her pet paper snake, Sara, in case you are wondering who her little friend is.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Our Cookie Monster

Today we made cookies and Brecken decided that he wanted to be my big helper. As you can see he had more fun tasting than baking. He absolutely loves cookies and literally had half of the plate gone by the time that I was done cooking them. Silly boy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Main Street Water Park

Today was an extremely hot day in St. George so the kids and I decided to go and cool down a bit in the water at the new splash park on Main Street. They had a blast! We had been there once before and Bailee loved the river but did not like the place where the water squirts out of the holes in the ground. I was so proud of her today though because she had no fear and actually asked to go and play in the squirting nozzles. She has no interest in the river anymore. She also was daring and put her head under the waterfall to get her hair wet. What a brave little girl she is becoming! Brecken's favorite part was playing on the rocks and catching water with the shovel and bucket that our friends Tara, Kaylee and Alyssa brought. Thanks guys for letting us play with your toys. Maybe next time I will remember to bring ours. Overall it was a very relaxing and fun day at the park! With the hot summer coming we are going to have to make this a weekly ritual.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Splish! Splash!

Tonight I put Bailee in the bath and went to go and grab two towels in my bathroom. I came back and before I could even get Brecken undressed and ready for his bath he had already gotten in. . . fully clothed! Usually he will sit down and take his own pants off and then come to me for help with his shirt. I guess he was a little excited to get clean which is very unusual. All I could do was laugh. What a silly boy!

Monday, June 2, 2008

2nd Times a Charm

We went back to Kiddie Kandids on Monday morning for a 2nd try at Brecken's birthday pictures. We had to make the biggest fools of ourselves but we managed to get one or two smiles from him. He still wasn't very pleased about having to be in front of the camera, but at least he wasn't crying. For that I am grateful! I think that his serious look is so cute anyways. I was happy at the way they turned out. We got some good shots! I have to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to the staff at Kiddie Kandids for having tremendous patience with us. They are the greatest!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On Saturday, we went and tried to get Brecken's birthday photo taken at Kiddie Kandids. As you can tell by the one picture that they took, he was not a happy camper. He had fallen asleep on the way there so when we had to wake him up he threw a royal fit. And things only got worse from there. Bailee was more than happy to pose for a couple a snapshots, so we let her do her thing while we tried to calm Brecken down. She is so photogenic and although we had no intentions on buying any pictures, we just couldn't resist after seeing how cute they turned out. Well, we used just about every bribe in the book but nothing seemed to work. I rescheduled Brecken's pictures for Monday morning so wish me luck. Hopefully before naptime works better than after or during naptime. :-)