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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bailee's 5th Birthday Party w/ Friends

Bailee's 5th birthday was Wednesday, November 19th so we had a birthday party for her with all of her friends. I can not believe were time has gone! Boy am I getting old. . . :) We had a houseful but it made it that much more fun! We frosted cookies, played pin the tail on the donkey, ate cupcakes and ice cream, opened presents and then let the kids play. I didn't realize it until the party but the kids were more into playing dress-up or with Bailee's toys than any of the games we had planned. I stressed so much about having enough activities for them but there was no need because after all we didn't end up playing half of the games I had planned. It was a very exciting day filled with lots of fun memories! Thanks to everyone that came and made it a great time!! WOW!!! My little girl is growing up too fast!

Turkey Trot

I know that I am a little behind in my posting but I still wanted to share these fun times. On Saturday, November 15th we went and participated in the Turkey Trot at Seegmiller Farm. We had a blast and got a good workout at the same time. All that was required of you is to bring 3 canned goods per person. They have a mile walk and a 5K run both. You decide what you want to do. Bailee, Jason and I all walked the 1 miler. Brecken was lucky and got a shoulder ride from Jason the whole way. He was still very tired since we had to literally pull both kids out of bed in order to make it there in time. After the walk they raffle off tons of turkeys and other cool prizes. We have won a turkey just about every year. We didn't win this year but we were just excited to see how many people showed up. It gets bigger and bigger every year. It is a fun family activity that we have been fortunate enough to enjoy every year and hope it continues for a long time!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fun at the Mall

Last Friday, my friend Tara and her kids' Kaylee and Alissa and myself with Bailee and Brecken went to the mall to do some shopping and decided to stop and let the kids' ride some of the rides there. They had a ball! It's too bad money is an issue because if it wasn't we could go broke easily on just rides alone. I don't think they could ever get sick of riding them over and over again. Our kids get along so well and are the best of friends. It makes it nice when they enjoy each other's company so well.

Our Own 'Little' Photo Shoot

Last Thursday I decided to experiment a little bit with our camera and take the kids' out for a photo shoot. We had a lot of fun and the kids' were such troopers. Towards the end they were getting really tired of changing outfits and smiling but they hung in there the entire time. We were out for about 3 hours and took over 200 pictures but I just chose my favorites. I tried to do a slide show but I couldn't get it to work so I apologize for so many pics. I just couldn't decide and didn't want to eliminate any of them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bailee's 1st Hula Performance

On Saturday, Bailee's hula class had a potluck dinner and performance for all of their families. It was so neat to be able to go and watch her dance her little heart out. She did awesome!! Bailee has loved to be able to go and meet new friends especially her teach 'Auntie Lina'. Auntie has put so much dedication, time and effort into teaching these kids and providing such a fun environment for them. She makes all of the costumes herself and just gives so much of herself to make this possible. We truly appreciate her for all of her hard work and everything that she has done for Bailee. The performance went very well and it was cool to also see all of the dances and different things from the Samoan and Polynesian cultures. I have to share one thing that happened that was so funny but kind of sad at the same time. On the very first dance they had to sit on their legs for quite a while during the song. Well, when it was all finished Bailee went to go and get up but her leg had fallen asleep. She tried to stand up but fell back down because she couldn't feel her leg. When she realized what had happened she stood up and had to limp off stage. I don't think she had ever had that happen before. I wanted so badly to jump up on the stage and help her off. It was so sad but kind of cute too. Now that we watch the video we all (including her) get a good chuckle out of it. We are so proud of her and the excellent job that she has done!