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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Day at the Park

Another one of the kids' favorite things to do is play outside, especially at their favorite park, Highland Park. It is a brand new park that has every kind of play equipment you can imagine. Bailee and Brecken are just barely at that age were they are starting to play very well together. Bailee loves to be a mentor and a big helper to Brecken. And Brecken loves to follow Bailee around and copy whatever she does. It is so cute to watch them! Bailee definetely enjoys being a mini mom!

Easter at G-Ma and G-pa's House

On Sunday evening we went to Grandma and Grandpa Bailey's house for taco salad and another fun easter egg hunt. Things got a little crazy with all of the kids' in the house as you can tell. The inside of the house became an indoor race track. Aunt Marci and soon to be Uncle Pat love to get Bailee and Brecken laughing, and playing tag on the bikes was just the recipe.

Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunny found us! He hid each of the kids baskets and 24 eggs filled with jelly beans. The kids' found them all without any help. They are very smart when it comes to hiding places. They know them all! I think mom and dad were more anxious for the kids' to wake up and to see the excitement on their faces as they looked for their easter baskets than the kids' were to wake up and start looking for their baskets.

Easter Egg Decorating

Saturday night we had tons of fun coloring, stickering, stenciling, tattooing and drawing and eggs. We went through eighteen eggs very quickly and the kids were very disappointed to learn that we had no more. They had a blast and would have kept decorating them into the wee hours of the night had we not run out. They made quite the masterpieces with a couple of cracked shells here and there. It was a good thing that they were hard boiled or we would have had a major mess. What a beautiful finished product we were able to proudly display!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

On the Saturday morning before Easter our neighborhood holds a huge easter egg hunt. It is always great fun to watch the kids' race around trying to collect as many treats as possible. They make one side of the street 3 years old and under and the other side 4 years old and up so it helps the little ones not get trombled or knocked over. I thought Brecken would still be too young to know what to do but believe it or not he was the first one to race off on the trek to find the treasures.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

PVHS Cheer Clinic

Bailee, her cousin Gabby Lewis and her friend Kaylee Braegger all got the opportunity to do a cheer clinic with the Pine View High School Cheerleaders. The girls did a fabulous job! Everyday Bailee will recite at least one of the cheers she learned. It is absolutely adorable to watch! I apologize for the poor quality of the pics. I was so sad because all of my pics with the exception of two or three turned out really dark. Oh well, thank goodness for the video camera!

First Haircuts

This was Bailee and Brecken's first haircut. Brecken did so much better than I thought he would. I kept putting it off because I thought he would squirm and wiggle and have the most crooked haircut ever. But I was wrong. . . he sat there like such a BIG BOY and did not move once. He looked really sad for a minute at the very beginning, but he got happier and happier as time went by. Bailee also did very well. I had trimmed her hair in the past, but this was her first time in a salon. We are trying to grow her bangs out AGAIN. . . in case you are wondering why we left them so long. :-)

Soccer Champ

Bailee has been participating in the St. George Recreation Center's Smart Start Soccer Program. She has loved it so far and is so talented in sports. We would try and partner up with her to kick the ball between the cones and the independent girl that she is would say 'Mom, Thanks but I don't need help. I know how to do it by myself.'(The things kids say make me laugh.) She is such a trooper! Although she was much smaller than the other kids' she hung in there and gave it her all. Way to go Bailee!!!


One of our favorite family activities is to go and feed the ducks at the local St. George Golf Club's pond. Brecken and Bailee decided to see who could get the closest to the ducks not realizing that underneath the grass the ground had been undercut so as soon as Brecken took one step closer. . . SPLASH!!! His feet came out from under him and into the pond he went. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen but he didn't thing so.

Ronald McDonald

Bailee and Brecken with one of their 'best friend's' good ol' Ronald McDonald. The day this pic was taken was Bailee's very first time in the Playplace. She has been terrified of climbing in it for years and finally she got the courage (after a little bribe from Mom for an ice cream cone).

Little Cowboy

Brecken's got his hat and his suitcase. He's ready to go!!