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Friday, August 29, 2008

Utah Olympic Park

While in Park City, we decided to stop by the Utah Olympic Park and check it out. We were glad we did because it was really neat. They had a museum full of memorabillia from the 2002 Winter Games. There were pictures of the athletes, actual medals and uniforms and cool displays. We also happened to be up there while the athletes were training and got to watch them for a little bit. They are incredible! They were practicing ski jumping into the pool and doing all kinds of flip and turns. It was awesome to see and although the pictures don't do justice I thought I would share a couple. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Utah Olympic Park

Park City Marathon

We all went up to Park City for the weekend to support Jason in running his 5th marathon. We had a wonderful time and wished we could have stayed for the remainder of the summer. I forget how beautiful the weather is up there. Jason did great finishing in 5:29. I think he is awesome and I have so much admiration for him because I know without a doubt that I could never run that far. We are so proud of him!

POST Graduation

POST Class #236
What an accomplishment! Way to go guys!! Awesome job!!!

Jason being sworn in. (Sorry the picture is so bad. My camera did not like the dim lighting.)

Jason and his co-worker, Jesse Sanchez. They were roomates while up in Sandy at POST.

Jason and his friends from POST: Brandon Hughes, Jesse Sanchez and Peterson.

Jason, Bailee and Brecken

Jason and his mom, Kathie. It was so kind of her to drive down from Layton to be with us during this neat time. We were glad to get to see her and spend time with her even if it was short.

Jason, I and the kids

Park City Fire Truck

We were on our way to Smith's when we saw this fire truck in the parking lot and had to stop and let the kids' check it out. What kid doesn't think a fire truck is so cool!!

Welcome Back Mom and Dad!

On August 11, We got to go down and pick up my parents' from the Las Vegas airport after they flew in from a 7 day cruise to Alaska. It is so good to have them back!! We all missed them a lot but Bailee and Brecken couldn't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa Bailey. The wait was almost unbearable for them. When they spotted G-ma and G-pa down walkway in the baggage claim they took off running as fast as they could. I wished I had my camera on because it was so cute! That day it was also Jason and I's anniversary of the day we met 9 years ago!! I am funny that way and celebrate both anniversaries. Love you hon!!

Paper Projects

The kids' and I decided that it was time to be creative and use up some of the misc. craft paper and items I had laying around and make some fun projects. The kids' were so proud they wanted to show them off. In case you can't tell there is a ladybug costume, a caterpillar and a puppy dog. We also made sock puppets but we had to let the glue dry.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Washington County Fair

On Friday night, we went to the fairgrounds for some carnival fun. My brother-in-law Pat and my sister Marci went out to watch Pat's brothers band, Closure, play as part of the entertainment. After watching them for a little bit we headed to the rides. I bought Bailee a wristband for unlimited rides because she now has no fear and loves every ride there is. I wasn't sure that Brecken would like many of the rides so I waited to by him tickets until later in the evening after I tried letting him on the ducks that go around and learned that he did indeed like the rides. The kids rode for 3 hours and probably could have been there longer if they weren't ready to collapse due to extreme exhaustion. On Saturday, we went back to visit the petting zoo and watch the demolition derby but, I forgot my camera so unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share. All in all it was a great time!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Washington City Community Center Pool

I know we have a ton of swimming pictures but I couldn't pass up blogging them because they all turned out so cute and they all marked a milestone for the kids'. This was Bailee's first time going down all of the slides at the Community Center pool. She freaked out two months ago when we tried to bring her to this pool because on all of the slides water falls on her head. But now that she doesn't mind it this was no big deal to her. There is a huge bucket that dumps water from above the slide area and she would simply wait until it dumped and then go up the stairs and down the slides knowing that she had a few minutes until the bucket would dump again. I don't have any pics of Brecken on his belly but he also just started laying on his tummy in the kiddie pool and kicking his legs to make a splash. It was adorable but I couldn't get to my camera in time. Maybe next time.