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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grandma Bloemke: You are loved and missed!!

We are very sad to have to say goodbye to our Grandma Bloemke. These are the last pictures taken of our family with her the week before she passed away. She came out to visit and we were so blessed to get to see her before she left this mortal world. She was in so much pain and we know that she will no longer have to go through that battle because she is in a much better place. We love her so much and she will be greatly missed. We were very lucky to have such a wonderful example in our lives.

Anyone interested in having fun while helping to raise funds for research on Lou Gehrig's disease we are putting on an ALS 5K run/walk and 1K kids race at Highland Park on March 28, 2009. Please visit the website at for more info. We look forward to the day that they finally find a cure to this horrible illness. Thanks!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tuckered Out

While I was at work on Saturday night, Jason was getting Bailee ready for her dance recital and thought it was a little too quiet in the house, especially with a 2 year old running around. He went to go play investigator and this is what he found. . . a tuckered out little boy! How cute!! I could not believe that he was actually tired enough to fall asleep in that kind of a position.

Happy Early Valentines' Day

Jason had to work on Valentines' Day so we decided to celebrate on Friday instead. We gave the kids their presents early so that they could enjoy them while Jason and I were at dinner. We went and ate at Red Lobster and it was delicious!! The wait was almost an hour but it was well worth it. This is one of Jason's favorite restraunts but I would never eat there because I hate fish/seafood and I am not much of a meat eater but I tried the Cajun Chicken pasta and was very impressed!! I would definitly go back again. After we ate we went and did a little shopping at Old Navy. It was a fun night! I am so lucky to have such a sweet guy in my life!! I love you babe!!! :)

80's Party

On February 7th, we went to an 80's party at Clint and Kate Dalley's home. It was a BLAST!!! I laughed so much that night that I thought I had pulled a muscle from laughing so hard! We ate and while we were eating we watched a movie that Justin Stum had made of music videos from the 80's. It was hilarious how cheesy they were!! I can't believe we actually wore some of the things that we did and to think that they are coming back into style. . . After we ate we played Limbo and had a dance off competition. Now that was something!! :) Congrats to the Wright's for winning that and congrats go out also to Maile Pastor for winning Limbo and the Vaughns for winning best outfits. We definitly need to do this more often. What a gnarly time!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Elks Lodge Law Enforcement Night

Every year the Elks' Lodge prepares a very nice dinner for all members of Law Enforcement and their spouses. It is such a kind thing for them to do and it is always a ton of fun! After enjoying dinner at the Elks', we went and got hot chocolate at the Maverik and went up on the hill to relax, visit and take in the awesome view. We had a good time!!

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Friday, February 6, 2009

East Zion

The day after Christmas we were able to go up to a cabin in East Zion that the Sharp family rented and play in the snow and stay over night. It was a gorgeous cabin with a beautiful view! On the way up we took a wrong turn and got stuck in the snow but after 2 hours of digging and spinning and sliding, a CAT backhoe finally came to our rescue with a tow rope and pulled us back to the main highway. Thank goodness!! It was bitter cold and I was beginning to panic, especially with little ones in the car. The snow was incredibly deep and we learned a lesson for next time: no 4-wheel drive, no trip to East Zion. We stayed up until all hours of the night playing canasta and laughing our heads off. These guys are some of the funniest people we know and always guarantee a terrific time. We are already looking forward to next year only we will be a little better prepared. Hey, what can I say, we made some memories that will not soon be forgotten.

New Years' Eve

New Years' Eve was spent at a home that our friends' the Sharp family rented on 400 S. Main Street in St. George. We played cards, ate way too much food and watched the fireworks at midnight. Brecken was terrified of them at first and would bury his head in my legs, but after about 5 minutes he warmed up and started to like them after all. The kids also got quite a kick out of banging pots and pans. What a fabulous time we had! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends!!!

Jason aka Birthday Boy

We went out and celebrated Jason's birthday on January 6. His actual birthday is on January 7 but he had to work. We went and ate at the Ruby River Steakhouse (his favorite) and then went to see the move Seven Pounds. It was a very good movie but kind of sad as well. After the movie we went to Applebee's and got a Blondie for dessert. It was a very enjoyable evening spent together. Happy Birthday Babe!!

New Years' Day

Okay, so for some reason I cannot upload anymore pictures from the folder December 2008, so for now I am unable to post any pictures from Christmas and our trip to the cabin in East Zion. I am going to just continue from New Years' Day and if I can get the problem fixed I will post the pics at a later date. So these pics were taken at the park on Tonaquint Drive (not sure of the name but we call it the Dizzy Park) on New Years' Day. The kids had a blast as usual! We met the Sharp and Barnhardt families there and had a good time catching up with them. We ate lunch and then visited while the kids and a few of the adults played at the park. This is one of the neatest parks that I have ever been to. The equipment is very interesting, not like your typical playground. There was a spinning bowl-like seat that Bailee loved to turn around in. I was a little afraid that she might get sick because of how much and how fast she was spinning but she didn't and loved every minute of it. Anyways, we will definitly be making a trip back here.