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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Great Times at Lona's House

On Saturday night Jason and I both had to work so my oh so kind sister and her awesome friend Lona were nice enough to watch the kids for us. When I got there to pick them up (10:30pm) they were passed out on the floor after watching a movie. It was so cute! They had the time of their lives at Lona's house. Thanks so her and Brooke I have these funny pictures to share. I have tons of dress up stuff for Bailee that she prances around in day in and day out, but I never thought about all of the fun boy make believe toys (swords, helmets, masks, capes, etc.) Seeing these pictures definitely made me decide that I am going to have to buy Brecken some more masculine props so that he will no longer walk around in high heels and fairy wings. Thank you Brooke and Lona for providing such a great time for my children. They were worn out and slept like babies the whole night! YEAH!!!

Brecken's Playgroup

Today we got to have playgroup at our house. We had six little ones running around having a blast together! We attempted to do some fun projects (cereal necklaces, coloring pages) but they were still a little bit to young to grasp the concept. They were eating the cereal faster than they were putting it on the string.:) They were more interested in the toys than anything else. I thought it might be a bit chaotic but everything went smoothly. They all did very well and got along great. This has been neat to get to watch the kids interact and a good way to get them used to being in a different environment. Here are just a few pictures that I thought were to adorable not to share. Hope you enjoy!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Painting Projects

I recently decided to undertake a huge project that I thought would take a day or two but ended up taking 5 days to complete. I painted and glazed my kitchen cabinets. In doing so I learned a lot, most importantly, that I will never do it again. It was a pain in the behind to say the least!!! After the glazing was finished I decided my kitchen had too many light hues of brown so I chose to paint it the dark green that you see. I was very happy with it and loved how it turned out. It made the cabinets stand out way more than before and gave the kitchen the contrast that it needed. I also decided to add some texture to the kitchen and bathroom walls and painted and hung the paneling and moulding. After doing that project, I was surprisingly still in a painting mood so I decided to take down the long curtains I had in my living room and paint it the light yellow to make it a little brighter and lighter in there. I was pleased but very glad to be done. I definetly got my craving to paint out and will not be painting again for a very long time!!!!!!

Trampoline Trouble

We have decided that we were not meant to own a trampoline. Last night some heavy winds came rolling in and took it for a ride up and over our back wall and into our neighbors awning and backyard. We think it has officially seen it's last day, unless of course Jason can piece it back together. . . again. This is not the first time. Several months ago we had another major wind storm and we were not home. (It seems to only happen while we are gone.) Our neighbor witnessed it catch air and travel up and over our block wall (approx. 6-7 feet high) and land in our front yard shattering into several pieces. We had to buy new bars for the netting that time and it took forever and a day to put it back together. The padding that covered the springs has all rotted away. When adults jump on it the springs come loose and occasionally pop off. So. . . I am not sure how safe it is going to be. . . especially for the kids. We have only had it for one year and I think that one year will be our only experience with a trampoline. Unfortunately!:(

It's Costume Time. . . Already?

Yesterday we decided to pull out the totes with all of the Halloween decor and costumes. We got part of it out last night and left them down because we were going to finish decorating today. Well, this morning the kids woke up and did their own thing which is a very rare occasion. Usually, the first thing they do is come and wake up Jason and I. But that was not the case today. Jason and I woke and heard them playing in the kitchen so we just listened for a minute. The next thing we knew they were coming into our bedroom all dressed up asking "Is it Halloween yet?" It was the most adorable thing ever. How can you say no to something so cute? So to this point, it is now 2:30, they still have their costumes on. What can I say? What excitment it is to be a kid.

It's Always Fun at Grandma's House

These were just some cute pictures that we took while over at Grandma and Grandpa Bailey's house. It never matters if we have the exact same toys or books or movies as Grandma and Grandpa do they are always funner to play with, read or watch at their house. Isn't that strange!?!?!?:)

T-Rex Whitlock

We have a new addition to the extended family. My sister Marci and her husband got this new little puppy named T-Rex. He is so cute! The kids loved him and toted him around everywhere they went. Bailee has already declared that she is T-Rex's official babysitter when they need someone to watch him. She wanted to bring him home but we had to explain to her that not all puppies can live at our house. We only have so much room. She was excited to know that she could visit T-Rex whenever she wanted to though. If it was up to Bailee we would have a whole zoo in our backyard.:) While at the zoo in Logan, she wanted to bring home the tortoise, the coyote, the bobcat, the eagle and the porcupine. Silly kids!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Memory Grove Park

Grandma Kathie's

We stopped by Grandma Kathie's in Layton for a visit on our way home. We went and enjoyed lunch at the new Chuck E Cheese but I was unable to get pictures thanks to the dead batteries in the camera. The kids always love playing with the sticks that fall from the trees in her backyard. Thank you Grandma for the extra battery for my camera!