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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Brecken!

On Saturday May 24th, we celebrated Brecken's 2nd birthday. His actual birthday was Saturday May 17th, but we were out of town so we waited until the following weekend. I can not believe how fast time flies. It seems like just yesterday that I was in the hospital and he was just a day old. They grow up way too fast! We let Brecken choose what kind of party he wanted to have and there was no doubt about it, he wanted Cars. We went to Wal-Mart and walked down the party aisle and as soon as he saw Lighting McQueen he immediatly started making the 'Vroom, Vroom' sound. It was so cute! For lunch we had pizza, chips and drinks. Afterwards the we had a fire truck pinata that the kids each took turns hitting. The younger kids didn't do too much damage but when Caleb and Sean went after it there was no chance it was going to stay in one piece for very long. Way to go guys! You are definetly some hard hitters! After the pinata we dug into my favorite part, the cake and ice cream (YUM!YUM!). His party turned out great and we appreciate everyone's help to make it so fun. We always have a blast when in the company of friends and family and this was no exception. Thank you for the good times!! Happy Birthday Bud! We love you!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Jungle Jim's

While up north, we stopped in Midvale at Jungle Jim's. It is an indoor fun center that has carnival rides and games. It is nice because you buy an all day pass and ride as much as you want. You don't have to purchase tickets every time you want to ride. The kids' had a blast as you can tell by the pictures. A few of the rides I didn't think that they would be able to manuever or they might be afraid of but once again they amazed me. Much to my surprise Bailee and Brecken rode the roller coaster and the Bumper Cars not just once but four times. We definetely need something like that down here.

Hill Aerospace Museum

After the marathon, we got the chance to go and tour the Museum on Hill Airforce Base. We saw it from the freeway and decided that would be awesome for the kids' to see them on the ground and not just in the air. The aircraft there are incredible! There are some massive planes and jets. I was blown away at the size of them. I had never been that close to them and only seen them in the sky. This was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen. Anybody that gets the chance to visit and never has, needs to go. Pictures don't do justice to how big they are but putting the kids' next to them kind of helps.

Ogden Marathon

On Saturday May 17, Jason ran the Ogden, Utah Marathon. He finished in 5:17. He barely had enough strength left but was able to carry the kids the last 1/2 block across the finish line. That was neat to watch. He had lots of cheers and applause helping him get to the end. We are once again very proud of him for a race well run. He started running in May 2007 and has been obsessed with running ever since. It has become a hobby for him and the one thing that he does any chance he gets. I admire him for all of the effort that he puts into it and for all of the challenges that he has overcome. Jason's mom, Kathie, lives in Layton and was able to be with us at the finish line to see him cross. We don't get to see her very often so that was a privilege. Great job babe! Only 3 more to go!!

Silly Kids

The first night that we were in Ogden we stayed at the Ben Lomond Hotel. We had been driving all day and the kids were very glad to be out of the car. They were too excited! They were so full of energy that they were literally bouncing off the walls and just being as wild as you can imagine. I pulled the camera out to make sure it had good fully charged batteries in it and they immediately started posing for me and pulling all kinds of crazy faces. It was hilarious!

Little Bug Preschool Graduation

On Thursday, May 15, Bailee graduated from Little Bug Prechool. The class showed us all of the songs that they had learned, we watched the video of all of their fun fieldtrips and we got to eat ladybug cupcakes and cake (the kids' favorite part). She has had an awesome year! She will miss her wonderful teacher Miss Amber and all of her friends (especially Katelyn) that she made in her class. She has learned a ton over the last year and we are so proud of her. She always looked forward to her homework and worked incredibly hard on it. Although she would get tired, she stayed determined and focused and got through it. She will get to stay in the same preschool for one more year and she is very excited about that. Way to go Bailee! You did it!!


I didn't hear Brecken for a little while when he was up in his room playing so I went to see what he was doing and found him sound asleep on his bean bag. He was so peaceful and sweet. I had to sneak and take a few pictures and just hope that he didn't wake up. I couldn't pass up such a precious moment!

Pretty as a Princess

One of Bailee's favorite things to do is play dress-up. She always keeps us laughing at the things that she comes up with. She is very creative! She seems to find a place to put everything wether it was meant to be worn or not. Here is one of her many outfits. Who knows. . . we may have the next fashion designer in our presence.

Lovin' Bella

These are some really cute pictures of the kids lovin' on Bella. She is absolutely adored by them and they have the funnest time just cuddling with her as much as she will let them. She is so hyper and full of energy that she won't hold still for too long. Bella is definetely the life of the party at our house! It has been very good though because just in the last little while Bailee has been talking about her sister and Brecken's brother. When she goes to bed she says that she is saving her second bed for her sister to sleep in. One of her movies had 4 pairs of 3-D glasses and she said that when her sister comes that she would share a pair with her. When she draws pictures she always includes her sister and Brecken's brother. When you ask her what her name is she says Brinlee. It is sooo cute! Maybe she knows something that we don't, but in the meantime Bella has been a good sister for her to take care of.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Visitor Map
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How Many People Have Your Same Name
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Thanks Amy for the fun addition to your blog! I thought it was pretty cool to see the numbers although they aren't accurate. The bottom one is Jason's name and the top one is mine. I looked up Bailee and Brecken and they both said that there was no one else in the US with those first names and I know that is not correct. But it was still neat! I just thought that I would pass this on so that those that had not seen this could try it out. Have fun!!
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?