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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's Raining, It's Pouring

So today the weirdest thing happened. It had been a beautiful, bright and sunny day out and within a matter of minutes the clouds rolled in and it started to rain. And I don't mean just a drizzle, it POURED!!!! It came down so fast and so hard that everything was flooding. The storm drains could not keep up with all of the water. As soon as the kids heard the raindrops on the windows they ran out to the garage and grabbed their umbrellas. They were not about to let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass them up. I mean come on, how often to we get rain like that in St. George. NEVER!!!!!! We loved it (even if I did wash my van yesterday) and wish it would do it more often. We definitely need it!!!


Patrick and Marci Whitlock said...

AWWWWW....!!! I'm so jealous! I was stuck inside at work when it was raining and i'm so dissapointed! I so would have com eover and played in the rain with you all!!! I love Breckyn's outfit! haha! It's so funny and cute! They're both soooo cute! Love you guys and don't have to much fun in this unexpected moisture!

Shanell said...

Oh, I miss that neighborhood! Last year right before we moved, it rained really hard like that, and Kennedi just danced and played in the rain....I was just looking at those pictures the other day.

Defa's said...

That was a weird rain and it stopped just as sudden as it started.The pictures of your kids are so cute and colorful. My kids were out there in the puddles too.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should wash your car more often and it would rain here. Everytime I wash my car it rains, i guess St. George people just drive around in really dirty cars.