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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Treehouse Museum

As I was going through my photos I realized that I had totally forgotten to post about our visit to the Treehouse Museum in Ogden. Last week while we were in Salt Lake for the week we spent half of a day in Ogden with Jason's mom, Kathie. She was able to go to the Treehouse Museum with us for a couple of hours and we had a lot of fun despite a little panic for a few minutes when we lost Bailee. Anyone that has been there before knows how many places there are for the kids to play and hide upstairs and downstairs. She was in the Treehouse and she came down with a chicken costume on. I told her that if she wanted to go and play on the firetruck she needed to go and hang the chicken costume back up first. She went up the Treehouse to hang it back up but never came back down. After about five minutes I went up to check on her thinking she just got sidetracked playing with something else. The costume was hanging up but she was no where to be seen. After Kathie and I frantically searched the entire building we could not find her anywhere so I got the help of the workers there. I guess this happens pretty often. Anyways, one of the workers eventually found her dressed down in the fireman's hat, jacket, boots, etc. sitting in the back of the firetruck. My heart was definetly pounding faster than it ever has before. Thank you Kathie for your help watching Brecken! After that fun ordeal we were able to enjoy the different stations. We made feather necklaces, traced dinosaurs onto paper, dressed up as animals and children from other countries, went down the tunnel slide (with a little push from Mom) and pretended to be a firefighter. We are definetly going to have to go back when we have a little more time to spend there. It was a really neat place!! Unfortunately Kathie had to work that night so we weren't able to spend much time together. We always seem to have a hard time getting to spend much time with her but hopefully our next trip up will allow for better circumstances. We love you Grandma Kathie!!


Patrick and Marci Whitlock said...

hey nanner! You updated your blog! Cute cute pictures! That looks like such a cute little place! You never told me that story about Bailee getting lost! What a scare! Well I love ya and tomorow morning i'm going to be in town with Pat while he goes to work i'm going to be babysitting Brooks kids! I think we're going to go to the water park on Main St. So if you guys are up for it around 9 or 10 let me know! I have to pick Pat up at 12 and we'll probably just head back up to Veyo! But we couild go get ice cream afterward or something! I'l call ya later!

Erin said...

I love the new look! That is so scary when someone goes missing. Hope you had a great Pioneer Day! Congrats, Jas on your graduation...that went by so fast. I love to see all your great family pictures. Hope to see you soon.

Shanell said...

Oh that is sooo scary when that happens. Like your worst nightmare is coming true. So glad everything ended up ok and you had fun!!

My Full Time Everyday Life said...

Bailee got lost? what! Holy Crap! Why haven't I heard from you in like FOREVER!!!!!!! Gosh miss "i'm soooo busy" lol J/K I Love you and I'll call when i get off!~