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Monday, June 30, 2008

Funny Things That Bailee Says

Since this is kind of serves as my online journal, I thought I would share a couple of funny things that Bailee has said so that I will have them logged somewhere to remember as she grows up. Maybe it's just a mom thing where I think that so many things that come out of her mouth are hilarious but I also thought others might find them humorous.

1. When we first brought Bella home 2 months ago she was an indoor dog so she was running around Bailee's room while Bailee was getting her pajama's on. After she had finished getting dressed Bailee turned and looked at me with a very concerned look on her face and ask me "Mom, where are Bella's pajamas? She needs to get hers on so we can go night night." I told her that dogs don't wear clothing like people do and then she asked, "Do puppies sleep naked?" Yes, they do indeed. What better way to put it. I couldn't help but start laughing. She always asks why I am laughing and all I can say is "Because you are so cute, Babe." Thanks to Brooke and the girls, Bella now has a pricess outfit that she wears everywhere. So for now our Bella does not sleep naked.:-)

2. Bailee is always asking me questions about being a mom or growing up. There is at least one statement a day. For example:
"Mom, when I grow up will your room be my room?"
"Mom, when I am a mom do I get to drive a van?"
"Mom, I want to be a mom just like you." (This made my day.)
"Mom, when I am a mom do I get to stay up late?"
"Mom, when I grow up can I sleep in a tall bed like yours."
"Mom, can I make cereal when I am a mom."
There are several others that I forget and can't think of to save my life but they are all equally adorable when she says them. It makes my heart melt. Anyways, on Friday she comes up to me while I was checking my e-mail and says, "Mom, I want to grow up next week." All I could do was smile and tell her, "Oh sister, if only you knew what it was like to grow up and you would stay small forever. You are already growing up too fast for Mom and Dad." Granted she will make an excellent mother one day, I am in no hurry for her to grow up. Where does time go?

3. We were getting in the car to go and run some errands and she couldn't get her car seat buckled. To her if anything doesn't work it needs new batteries. So she sighs and says, "Mom, this won't work. It think it needs new batteries."

4. One day several months ago we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and Bailee kept looking at my arms. I wondered what she found so intrigueing about my arms. Finally, she looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Mom, you have a lot of spots." I then had to teach her that those spots are called freckles and, yes, I am covered in spots.

Those are just a few and I am sure that I will remember more as soon as I post this. But as she grows I am sure that there will be many more from her and Brecken so stay tuned. Hope you found them as funny as I did although actually being in the situation and hearing them straight from the child's mouth is so much cuter than just reading about it.


Rhanda said...

I love the Baileeisms!! Wyatt always says things need batteries. That is too funny!!

Nic said...

That is so cute. I love the things that come out of their cute little mouths. :)

Danica said...

Cute stories! Thanks for the smile.